How to Visit the Famous Nusa Penida Treehouse: A Complete Guide

Are you planning to visit the picturesque Nusa Penida treehouse but don’t know where to start and what to expect? You’re in luck because I’m here to help!

Officially called Rumah Pohon Tree House, this picture-perfect treehouse is located on the island of Nusa Penida Island, just off the coast of Bali. It’s not too difficult to reach, but you will need to do a bit of planning to make the most out of your visit.

In this comprehensive guide, I will take you through the steps of visiting the famous treehouse. From how to get there, when to go, and even some photography tips, I will give you all the information you could ever need to have a wonderful experience. Let’s get into it!

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How to Visit the Famous Nusa Penida Treehouse

Best group tours to Rumah Pohon Treehouse

Since Nusa Penida is just a short boat ride from mainland Bali, it’s possible to visit the treehouse as a day trip. Although I would definitely recommend spending at least two full days in Nusa Penida, if this is not an option for you, there are several guided group tours that will take you to the treehouse and back.

You have to read the details of the tours really carefully though, as most of them only take you to the west side of the island where you can find popular attractions such as Kelingking Beach and Angel’s Billabong.

As the Rumah Pohon treehouse is located in the east, you will need to find a tour that specifically mentions the treehouse.

The good news is that I already did the work for you so here are the best group tours that will take you to the Rumah Pohon Treehouse.

  • Day Trip to East Nusa Penida – This tour focuses entirely on the east side of Nusa Penida and not only takes you to the famous treehouse but also includes stops at Diamond Beach, Atuh Beach, and Teletubbies Hill.
  • Nusa Penida All-Inclusive Full-Day Tour – This full-day tour will take you to all the must-visit locations on Nusa Penida, both on the west and east side. The itinerary is really packed but you’ll get to see all the best spots on the island in a single day, including Rumah Pohon Tree House.
  • East & West Highlights Full-Day Tour – If you are already in Nusa Penida or you prefer arranging your own transport from Bali, this tour is a great option as you can select the pick-up location to be in Nusa Penida. Similar to the previous tour, you’ll get to explore both sides of the island in a single day and also visit the Rumah Pohon Treehouse.

Visiting the Nusa Penida treehouse without a tour

If you don’t want to take a tour or you’re already in Nusa Penida, it’s also possible to visit the treehouse without taking a guided tour.

It’s also a good option if you want to avoid the crowds as you will have the ability to visit early in the morning or late in the evening when the daytrippers are already gone.

First, you’ll have to catch a boat from Sanur harbor to Nusa Penida. Once at the harbor, you can rent a scooter or hire a private driver to take you to the famous Nusa Penida treehouse.

I will go into more detail in the next section so keep reading!

How to Get to Rumah Pohon Tree House

How to get to Nusa Penida from Bali

Nusa Penida is an easy boat ride away from Sanur Harbor in Bali. Several ferry services operate from Bali to Nusa Penida, offering multiple departures each day. Tickets typically cost $7-12 US depending on which company you choose.

Although technically you can buy your tickets on the day of your travel, I would recommend purchasing your tickets in advance as the ferries can be booked out, especially during peak season.

When it comes to booking transportation tickets in Southeast Asia, 12Go Asia is my to-go website. It’s an easy-to-use platform where you can compare multiple companies and prices and also read customer reviews.

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The good news is that a new port has been built in Sanur Harbor so you no longer need to wade through knee-deep water to board the boat. You still need to arrive at least 30 minutes before departure but after checking in, now you can wait in the air-conditioned waiting area before heading to the pier.

The boat ride to Nusa Penida takes around 45 minutes and you will arrive at Banjar Nyuh harbor, located on the northwest side of the island.

How to get to Rumah Pohon Treehouse from the harbor

Once you land at Banjar Nyuh harbor, you can rent a scooter or hire a driver to get to the Rumah Pohon Tree House. This picturesque Nusa Penida treehouse is located on the eastern side of the island, roughly a 1.5-hour drive from the harbor.

If you’re confident enough to navigate the roads of Nusa Penida, renting a scooter is the cheapest and most convenient option. You can rent a scooter from the harbor for around 70-100k IDR ($5-7 US).

Keep in mind though, the roads in Nusa Penida are notoriously bumpy and steep in some places, so make sure you’re comfortable with this option. The quality of the roads has improved a lot in the past couple of years, but they are still far from perfect.

If you don’t feel confident driving yourself to the Nusa Penida treehouse, you can always hire a driver. This is a more expensive option, but it means you won’t have to worry about navigating the roads and you’ll be able to relax during the drive.

We always recommend hiring a local driver from Nusa Penida rather than renting a scooter, as the local drivers know the roads really well and are incredibly helpful.

Best Time to Visit the Nusa Penida Treehouse

The best time to visit the Nusa Penida treehouse is between April and October when the weather is warm and dry. November to March is the wet season, and although it’s still possible to visit the island during this time, you can expect a lot of rain during your stay.

In terms of the time of day, I definitely recommend visiting early in the morning or late in the evening. Although the treehouse has a bit of a remote location, it got really popular in the past couple of years and you can expect to see a huge crowd during the day.

Because of this, everyone only gets two minutes to take pictures in front of the treehouse and you can also expect a huge line of people waiting to take their turn. Adding the midday heat and humidity to the equation, it’s definitely not the most enjoyable experience.

Visiting in the early morning or late evening means that you can enjoy a peaceful and crowd-free visit. Plus, you won’t have any time limits when it comes to taking pictures.

When it comes to sunrise or sunset, I would definitely recommend going for sunrise. As the Nusa Penida treehouse is located on the east side of the island, you’ll get to enjoy an incredible sunrise view from the house. I know it requires a really early start, but trust me, it’s so worth it!

Sunrise at the Nusa Penida treehouse

What to Expect at the Treehouse in Nusa Penida

As you arrive at the entrance of Rumah Pohon Tree House, you will see a designated parking lot where you can leave your scooter or car while visiting the house.

The path to the treehouse is really straightforward and a few minutes after you leave the parking lot, you’ll come across the official entrance where you have to pay 15k IDR ($1 US) to enter. The treehouse doesn’t have official opening hours so you can arrive anytime, but even if you arrive at the crack of dawn, you’ll still be required to pay the entrance fee.

The (not so) fun part starts after you leave the entrance. The parking lot is located on top of a cliff while the treehouse is located down below, meaning you’ll have to climb down a really long staircase to reach the house.

The climb down isn’t too difficult and the staircase is fairly well maintained, however, climbing back up is another story! But more about this later.

Climbing down is actually really scenic as you’ll get to witness a lush green landscape and a breathtaking view of the sea. Make sure to watch your steps though as it’s easy to get carried away with views like this!

You’ll also come across a few photo installations on your way down. These look really cool and make for some fantastic Instagram shots but I would rather recommend visiting them on your way back up as it will be a nice break after the long and tiring climb. Taking a photo at these installations typically costs 25k IDR ($2 US).

Finally, after around a 10-15 minute climb, you’ll arrive at the bottom of the staircase. Many people don’t know this but there are actually more treehouses at the bottom, not just one! There are three in total but the other two don’t look as impressive as the main treehouse.

The famous Nusa Penida treehouse is the last one but I’m sure you’ll recognize it immediately. It looks like something out of a fairy tale and it’s easily one of the most impressive treehouses I’ve ever seen!

If you want to take photos with the treehouse, you will have to pay an additional fee of 75k IDR ($5 US) per person. There is a local guy right by the treehouse who will take your fee and will also coordinate the photo sessions.

If you happen to be visiting the house during the day and it’s crowded (which most likely will be the case), then you’ll have to wait in line until it’s your turn. As mentioned above, everyone gets two minutes for photos so make sure to take as many shots as you can within the time limit.

However, if you arrive really early in the morning and there are not many people around, then you won’t have to worry about time limits and you can take your photos in peace. Just make sure to be respectful of other visitors and don’t take up too much time if there are other people waiting for their turn.

After you’ve taken your photos, make sure to continue the path on the right side of the treehouse as it will take you to the Thousand Islands viewpoint. This viewpoint is one of the most iconic spots in Nusa Penida and you’ll get to enjoy a beautiful view of the island’s coastline from here.

When you’re done exploring both the Rumah Pohon Tree House and the Thousand Islands viewpoint, it’s time to tackle the long climb back up the staircase. Make sure to take your time and rest whenever you feel like it as the climb can be really tiring.

The climb in itself is a challenge too but when you pair it with the scorching heat and humidity, it can be a real struggle. We started the climb back up around 7 am but even then, it was crazy hot and I had to take a break in the middle as I almost fainted.

The heat in Nusa Penida is seriously no joke! So make sure to take it easy and bring plenty of water with you to prevent dehydration.

Can you see the little house on the top? That’s where you have to climb up to get back to the parking lot.

Staying Overnight at Rumah Pohon Tree House

Although Rumah Pohon Tree House used to function as an Airbnb, it’s not possible to stay overnight at the house anymore.

Honestly, after seeing the inside of the house, I don’t even know how people managed to stay there in the first place. There’s literally just an old mattress and a plastic fan on a small wooden table inside the house and nothing else. No water, no kitchen, and definitely no bathrooms.

I’m very much into hotels and apartments with a view but I admit that even I wouldn’t stay at the treehouse even if it was possible. Waking up to these views must have been amazing but the tourists clinging onto the stairs from early morning until late night probably would have killed the vibe.

The locals also realized that turning it into a photo spot rather than an Airbnb was a much better (and more lucrative) idea so you can no longer stay the night in the house.

This is how Rumah Pohon Tree House looks like inside

Where to Stay near Rumah Pohon Treehouse

Although you can no longer stay inside the famous Nusa Penida treehouse, you can still find a handful of accommodations nearby. If you want to get to the treehouse early in the morning, it might be beneficial to stay close by. Plus, these accommodations also provide a great base to discover the entire eastern side of the island!

So here are my recommendations for places to stay near the Rumah Pohon Treehouse.

Other Attractions near the Nusa Penida Treehouse

  • Thousand Islands Viewpoint – Located a few steps from Rumah Pohon Tree House, Thousand Islands Viewpoint is one of the prettiest spots in Nusa Penida. From here, you’ll get an amazing view of the island’s coastline and it makes for some really great photos too!
  • Diamond Beach – If you’re looking for the most beautiful beaches in Nusa Penida, then don’t miss out on Diamond Beach. It’s located just a few minutes drive from Rumah Pohon Treehouse and it’s easily the most photogenic beach on the island.
  • Atuh Beach – Just opposite of Diamond Beach you will find Atuh Beach. Despite being less popular than Diamond Beach, Atuh is definitely worth a visit. It’s a beautiful white sandy beach with a stunning backdrop of cliffs and the clearest sea water.
  • Suwehan Beach – If you’re looking for a secluded getaway, Suwehan Beach is the place to be. This beach is a hidden gem with turquoise water and white sandy shores. Be prepared for a challenging trek down, but the tranquil setting and scenic beauty are a perfect reward.
  • Goa Giri Putri – The island’s natural beauty isn’t just limited to beaches and viewpoints. The Goa Giri Putri, or Giri Putri Cave Temple, is one of Nusa Penida’s most important cultural sites. You’ll need to squeeze through a small crevice to enter, but once inside, you’ll find a sprawling cave network filled with sacred temples.
  • Teletubbies Hill – Named for its uncanny resemblance to the hilly backdrop in the popular children’s TV show, these rolling green hills make for fantastic photo opportunities and are especially beautiful in the early morning light.

Nusa Penida Treehouse FAQ

Where is the treehouse in Nusa Penida?

The Nusa Penida Treehouse is located on the eastern side of the island, roughly a 1.5-hour drive from the harbor.

Is it possible to visit the Nusa Penida treehouse as a day trip from Bali?

Yes, it is possible to visit the treehouse on a day trip from Bali. Most tours only focus on the west side of the island, so make sure to choose a tour like this one that also includes a visit to the treehouse.

Can I stay overnight at the Nusa Penida treehouse?

No, it’s no longer possible to stay overnight at the Nusa Penida Treehouse. It used to function as an Airbnb but the locals have since decided it’s best to only use it as a photo spot.

What is the best time to visit Rumah Pohon Tree House?

Sunrise is the best time to visit Rumah Pohon Tree House as it’s usually less crowded in the morning and you will get to enjoy the beautiful morning lights. If you happen to arrive during the day, expect to wait your turn in line as the treehouse can get extremely busy in the afternoons.

How much is the entrance to Rumah Pohon Tree House?

The entrance fee is 15k IDR ($1 USD) and you will need to pay an additional fee of 75k IDR ($5 USD) if you want to take pictures with the treehouse. You can also find other installations for photos, those cost 25k IDR ($2 USD) per photo spot.

How much time do you need at the treehouse on Nusa Penida?

You should plan to spend around one or two hours at the treehouse. How much time you actually need will depend on how long you have to stay in line to take photos and how fast you are during your climb up and down the stairs.

Can I fly my drone at the Nusa Penida treehouse?

Yes, you can use your drone both at Rumah Pohon Tree House and the Thousand Islands Viewpoint. Just make sure to follow all local regulations when flying your drone in Indonesia and be mindful of other drone users.

Planning a trip to Bali?

Then you might want to take a look at all our other travel guides about Bali. I promise, they are just as awesome as this article was!

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